Teaching Maths Outside

Today I am sending out a first batch of emails inviting schools to consider one of my Outdoor Maths Courses. There has been much talk by the government of teaching outside so this would seem a good moment to remind people of what I have to offer. To begin with I am highlighting ‘Playground Maths’ a workshop for all class teachers a good way of introducing ideas and new ways of thinking about the subject. The ‘Inspiring Maths Outside the Classroom Course’ is aimed at curriculum leaders, senior leaders and others (often from across keen to promote outdoor learning. It is a longer course (half a day or two twilight sessions) and gives more time to reflect on how the expansion of outdoor learning can be promoted and managed in school. Finally I can run a tailor made course for the school. This includes a brief pre-visit to look across the school grounds at the possibilities or to focus on a particular area that the school would like to use more.

email: outsideandbeyond1@gmail.com or davidbglenny@gmail.com